Monday, April 25, 2011

Sometimes it's Ok to be a follower!

"Don't be a follower be a leader!" My dad would constantly say this to me as a child sometimes as a correction for a poor decision I made join in on what seemed to me the coolest thing I had ever seen... without factoring in dangers or consequences of any sort. (cue image of me flying down the steep hilled street in my brothers too big for me roller skates) But most of the time he just said it as a passing reminder.  I remember at the time thinking being a follower didn't sound so bad to me if it meant that I got to take part in some awesome activities that where going on around me (cue skating image again).  For a long time I missed the point.  See he wasn't saying don't take part in things... that would be absurd.. what would happen to religions and organizations and sports teams if we all had that mentality right?  So, what is the point?? The point is to think about it and had good valid reasons and beliefs in what you're doing.  Don't do things just to seem cool or fit in.  Do them because you have a passion and an understanding.  If you're going to be a follower or a joiner do it with such a conviction that you draw others to you and maybe make them followers too because they catch the fever! I learned that lesson in my own time but now I live it everday. Thanks dad... but i'd still totally do that skating thing again!

Speaking of following... Find me on twitter @hautemum

Have a fabulous day!

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